Keralty Launches New Product Featuring Unlimited Online Consultations for Employees

Since everyone is taking extra precautions these days due to the spread of the Coronavirus, it’s only natural for many to still be hesitant about going out for a consultation with a doctor in person. So even if an employee has a company-provided healthcare service, won’t he or she have second thoughts about using it if he or she can only avail of the consultation service in person?
While safety from and prevention of contacting the COVID-19 virus is of utmost importance today, we all shouldn’t downplay other illnesses or ailments that need attention. Seeking a doctor’s opinion if you’re not feeling well–even for non-COVID-19-related concerns—must not be overlooked. To address the need for a safe and secure means to consult with doctors and to help give the general public access to this service, Keralty has recently launched a new product called, Keralty Corporate TeleHealth.
Keralty Corporate TeleHealth is a special corporate package that is designed for small or other big businesses to provides its employees with unlimited online consultations with a Primary Care Physician. Whether an employee works from home or at the office, he or she may avail of the consultation service in just 3 easy steps!
- Book online at
- Wait for the schedule confirmation
- Avail of the online consultation (inclusive of the prescription, if any)
What makes Keralty Corporate TeleHealth the perfect package for companies and employees alike? For employees, it’s easy, convenient, and paper-free. Everything is done online—you won’t need to get up from your work station at all! For companies, you can ensure that your employees are well-protected and safe from both, the Coronavirus and other illnesses, because you’ve given them access to healthcare, without the need for them to step out.
Yes, it’s true that the current pandemic is a threat, but so is any other illness. With Keralty Corporate TeleHealth, employees can continue to be vigilant about other health needs without having to leave the safety of their homes or offices.
For more information about Keralty Corporate TeleHealth, click here: